Saturday 31 January 2009

The List


Like most guys out there i love gadgets this has at some point crosses over to the fitness equipment i buy, i've tried my best to strip this down as much as possible,there was simplt too much choice at one point and not a lot of work been done.

This is what i have now that i really feel fufills most fitness needs except maybe absolute 1rm strength.

Kettlebells 8,12,16,24kg
Ab mat
Ab Wheel
Small dumbell for shot putt
Maize bag (if it ever turns up!)
Mat for lying my sweaty ass on

Soon i hope to purchase a chin up bar which will complete my list of goody's.

Do you have too much kit, too much choice.

K.I.S.S it!


Ab Wheel


Been after getting one of these for a while, picked one up in TK Max for a £5 the other day, intersting thing mine is purple and went through the till as womens fitness!

There is no manual with it but as far as i remeber the training goes knees first then standing position?

If i walk around with a broken nose in the next couple of weeks you know what it will have been from!


Wednesday 28 January 2009

Hairy Bird!

My missus could make a carpet with the amount of hair that falls of her head!




Workouts that i forgot to add

13 min run
20 wal squats (fell on my butt a lot!)
Molly plank 1 min

24kg swings two handed 12 min
Swing to a comfortable stop then active recovery (jog skip walk etc) then swing again

24 kg high pulls
5 L&R swing
5 L&R dead


The Ordeal

10 swings each side
10 swings each side
10 cleans each side
10 swings each side
10 cleans each side
10 swings each side
10 swings each side
10 cleans each side
10 swings each side
10 clean and press each side
10 swings each side
10 cleans each side
10 swings each side
10 clean and press each side
10 swings each side
10 swings each side
10 cleans each side
10 swings each side
10 clean and press each side
10 swings each side
10 snatches each side
10 swings each side
10 cleans each side
10 swings each side
10 clean and press each side
10 swings each side
10 snatches each side
10 windmills each side

Right hand first 21.46
Left hand 24.40


Monday 26 January 2009



I am actually training, really i am! I just bloody keep forgetting to bring my notebook with my workouts on it.

Been keeping up with the pushups on to 30 in the morning and sets of 20 during the day, have to use a tally counter because my counting is absymal!

Still waiting on my maize bag!

Bought this to help improve my stirkes at a grand cost of £0.50!


Saturday 17 January 2009

100 pushups


Still continuing with this, doing it mon to Fri and weekend off, not been able to do the 30 resp in one go like the first time but going to try again after weekend.


Wednesday 14 January 2009

Maize ball

Been thinking about getting one of these babys for a while, they aint cheap this one comes in a at £50 its big brother £90, as much as i want the big one there is no way i can justify the cost and also i dont realy have a decent place to hang it, i get a bonus from work soon so looking to spend the dough before the missus steals it all!

There has been reccommendatios to fill these babys with sand to make it even harder to hit, i'm waiting on the supplierto get back to me with it's starting weight first before deciding if it needs more intially or not.


Chuck Liddell

Got this DVD with some Xmas money, really like Chuck, the first fight of his i saw was when he knocked out Randy the first time and i thought this guy can hit, it's a really good dvd could do with a really cool montage like all good fighting dvd's


Tabata one handed swings 16kg

Rest one minute

Tabata snatch 16kg

Rest one minute

Plank 1 min

Neck work



AOS Newport dvd

12kg KB

Minus extra round and snatch test

Not done these dvd workouts in ages and really struggled this time.

Neck work

I nicked this from a post on the sp forum, trying to incoparate neck and grip work into every workout.

Lie on your back and lift just your head off the floor (about an inch) and then curl your chin up to your sternum (like doing a crunch with your head if that image helps) about 20 times.Without putting your head on the floor now turn it side to side 20 times at this point - the first few times you do this - your head will be feeling like it's going to fall off your neck so feel free to rest occasionally if you need it.Finally, with your head turned all the way over to the right lift your ear up towards your sternum the requisite twenty reps and then repeat on the other side.

Finished with straight shots

Black band x 2

50 e.s

Did a few of these feet together


Monday 12 January 2009

100 Pushups


The simple pushup has always been a massive weakness of mine so making attempts to resolve this, managed a p.b of 30 reps today!

Aiming for 100 pushups in total spread out over the day every day, doing that for a month then bumping it to 200 then 300 then i don't know what!

To be able to bang out 100 proper pushups is probaly the ultimate aim i guess


Saturday 3 January 2009

Big Fat Pie


Well succeeded in putting most of the weight i lost before Xmas back on! Not trained in a while but i'm going back to it real soon, don't want to end up like the pic!


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