Wednesday 14 January 2009


AOS Newport dvd

12kg KB

Minus extra round and snatch test

Not done these dvd workouts in ages and really struggled this time.

Neck work

I nicked this from a post on the sp forum, trying to incoparate neck and grip work into every workout.

Lie on your back and lift just your head off the floor (about an inch) and then curl your chin up to your sternum (like doing a crunch with your head if that image helps) about 20 times.Without putting your head on the floor now turn it side to side 20 times at this point - the first few times you do this - your head will be feeling like it's going to fall off your neck so feel free to rest occasionally if you need it.Finally, with your head turned all the way over to the right lift your ear up towards your sternum the requisite twenty reps and then repeat on the other side.

Finished with straight shots

Black band x 2

50 e.s

Did a few of these feet together


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