Saturday 28 February 2009

2ND Muay Thai class


For my 2nd class we did a lot of work on fundamentals.

Jab and Cross
Jab and drop step
Body jab focusing on dropping bodyweight
Jab and cross focusing on breathing

Then circuits

Again a timed work/rest one of

Mountain climbers

Ab work
Crunches with a thai pad whacked in to your stomach 25 reps
Standing knees to elbows
Standing alternate partner body shots
50 body shots to finish


Wednesday 11 February 2009

Muay Thai

With the absence of something specific to self protection in my area (or whatever you want to call it) I have had to look elsewhere, unfortunately there isn’t that much choice close to me, no boxing, judo, mma, I did stumble across Muay Thai (, and I thought I would give it a bash.

The instructor Stephen Todd was very friendly and we got under way, it was a small class with myself, another guy, a father and son and also I was surprised to see two females as well.

We started off with some shadow boxing to warm up, this was interspersed with mountain climbers, we moved from hands to hands and elbows and then to hands elbows and knees. Also some mobility work, leg swings and hip opening drills.

Next we paired off for some pad work .

As far as I can remember it went like this

Jab, Cross, Hook, Cover, Double hook, Cross
Stop the elbow with one hand, left and right elbow, up elbow, power elbow
Left and right knees switching stances starting low and then working into the ribs
Roundhouse kick into the ribs and then into the thigh.

This was sometimes interspersed with 100 straight punches or uppercuts.

We then moved into a bodyweight circuit, it was timed work and rest one not sure about duration; we did it three times though.

Star jumps
Jumping lunges

It went something like that!

We finished off with some core work, lots of leg raises, pulses, twisting crunches and I move I have seen from pilates called the hundred, it hurts!

Whilst we where doing our ab work the father and son battered lumps out of one another! Turns out the son fights thai boxing and the Dad is an ex amateur boxer who trains him in the sweet science, been at it a very long time so I’m told, I might ask him for tips! Chatted with the son for a bit, he has a fight coming up and I might go watch.

All said and done I thought it was really good, is it really specific? Maybe not but it’s good hard honest training, at the end of the day a punch is a punch and a kick a kick (did Bruce Lee not say that?) and the guys don’t seem pushy they just let you work at your level, a good bunch of guys and a good session,

I had my reservations about training in something that is essentially sport, after all my aims are rather limited to self protection, saying all that I wish I had done something like this sooner, yeah it may not be super specific but you have to make do with what’s on offer.

Will I be back? Your damm right I will be.


Monday 9 February 2009


100 burpees
No pushup
smal jump

7min 30 secs

5 ab rollouts from knees


Thursday 5 February 2009

Bad Habits

Bad habits.

F**k knows why I do it but I find myself every month in the supermarket end eventually will pick up and by either Men’s Fitness or Men’s Health, mostly It will be an article that caught my eye like the recent article in Men’s Fitness on CrossFit.

I will take the magazine home, pour myself a cuppa and read through the magazine/s, this is when I realise I have bought utter crap AGAIN! It seems most of the magazines are dedicated to the elusive six pack, adverts for the latest T booster, the right trainers to go with the right f***ing scarf! ENOUGH.

Some of the form demonstrated in these magazines is absurd and bloody dangerous, not that I’m a form guru or anything but I have some knowledge when it comes to this.

The writers who go on the six weeks challenge and get a six pack (who are tanned and holding their stomachs In the pictures!) piss me off as well, yeah anyone get a six pack, maybe it helps that they are pumped full of every known supplement (all free of course) with access to a personal trainer, top notch gyms and time off to train, put a normal guy, 45 hour week, two kids, nagging wife, no money for supplements, barely enough money for decent food, a crap gym with a spotty git who tells you would be better off with the pec deck and lets see.

Anyway who gives a f**k about the six pack, is it an indicator of superior fitness? No it is evidence of low bodyfat and f**k all else

Yet still I buy these bloody magazines, at the cost of these two magazines I could have had a decent book or a hair cut (maybe not a hair cut, they’re getting dear these days).

Maybe the men’s magazines have burden to bear on the impact of today’ men as I believe the female ones do on the females, if you are unworldly or unwisely then you may be lead to believe that the road to happiness, wealth, f**king that dream girl all comes from the six pack, wearing the new cologne and wearing the right trainers with the right scarf.

I HERBY PLEDGE TO NEVER BUY ANOTHER MEN’S HEALTH OR MENS FITNESS MAGAZINE, I WILL ONLY BY MAGAZINES/BOOKS THAT TALK SENSE AND AREN’T FIXED ON THE SIX PACK/BETTER BODY IDEALS OF PUBSCEUNT TEENAGERS. (I may read an interesting article in one of these magazines whilst in a store but will then turn to the right scarf with the right trainers section, feel disgusted and storm out of the store with an angry face)


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